Updates Ready!
The City of North Miami’s updated Land Development Regulations are now available online for you.

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Looking for Chinatown?


We are delighted you’ve chosen to participate in the process of updating the City’s zoning regulations.

One of the most important functions of your City is to govern how public and private land is used. Two of the key tools it uses are the:

  • Comprehensive Plan – a blueprint of the community and its land-use vision.
  • Land Development Regulations (“LDRs”) – most of the rules (zoning code) which carry out that vision

The Comprehensive Plans and LDRs must be dynamic so that a community can evaluate, update and change them from time-to-time to capture changing needs or desires. As such, the City is updating its LDRs in the next few months, using a working team of staff, citizens, and businesses.

Success hinges on your participation!

Are you…?

  • A business
  • A resident
  • A renter
  • An owner
  • A real estate professional

Your contribution to the LDR process is absolutely needed.

We want you to participate in creating a better community for you, and a quality legacy for future generations of North Miami.

Discussion Topics:

Shaping the future of your community is a big task, so it would be understandable if you weren’t sure where to begin. For your consideration, we suggest the following topics to help you begin thinking about how you can contribute to the conversation.

  • Design

    How should future developments look (size and architecture)?

  • Public Transit

    What are the best alternatives to provide adequate bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities?

  • Parks & Public Spaces

    How can we better achieve a “sense of place” (parks, plazas, walking paths, civic and cultural activities and amenities) by encouraging sustainable developments that are in harmony with the environment?

  • Planning

    Can new development occur adjacent to established neighborhoods without creating adverse impacts?

  • Traffic

    How can we improve upon road circulation and parking?

Do You Know...?

Most people do not understand the purpose and importance of Land Development Regulations, nor how it affects the future of their community. The more you know, the more effective your voice will be.

Florida law requires every city and county to adopt and maintain a comprehensive plan. The range of urban activities and how they interact through assigned land use categories are core concerns of the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is the blueprint for resource management and protection, and future growth and development. The Plan is a tool for the community to better harmonize activities and land uses to minimize conflict – also known as “compatibility”. Such land use decisions also must balance the desires of individual property owners with the broader needs of the entire community.

The Comprehensive Plan is legally binding, so current and future development must be consistent with the Plan’s guidelines and standards. It also determines the location, proximity and amount of land suitable for residences, commercial and social activities, public spaces and parks; how natural resources are managed and protected; how people travel safely and efficiently; and the type and amount of infrastructure (for example drinking water and wastewater, roads, lighting and sidewalks).

“Land development regulations” are one of the important tools used to carry out the Comprehensive Plan’s vision. In its broadest sense this technical term can be anything governing, or regulating, how land is used.  Land Development Regulations (“LDRs”), as used in this project, are mostly focused on (but not limited to) zoning. These provide the details of how land is to be used with reasonable parameters and to achieve a more beautiful, safe, and storm-resilient community. Examples include the distance a building may be setback from a street, space between adjacent structures, building height, signage, the amount of required parking, desired landscaping, access for pedestrians and bicycles, and how natural resources will be managed and protected.

In June, 2016, the City updated its Comprehensive Plan in response to state law changes (2011 Community Planning Act). The revised Comprehensive Plan also reflects changes in local conditions considering the community’s renewed focus on redeveloping Downtown and major corridors following the recent economic downturn, and the growing demands for new housing, employment, transportation, entertainment, food, health and other community needs. However, the LDRs were adopted in 2009 (Chapter 29, North Miami Code of Ordinances), and consistent with state laws, the City is required to update its LDRs within a year of updating the Comprehensive Plan.

Examples of Some Changes In Need of Consideration

  • Transportation


  • Environment


  • Aesthetics


  • Parking


  • Signage


  • Medical Marijuana Dispensaries


  • Development Standards for New Overlay Districts and Land Use Designations


How Do I Participate?

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Make a difference. Find Your Voice.

Join us at the public meetings and let us hear you.

Meeting #1

Jun 20

Public Hearing

City Council Chambers

  • Meet Your Community
  • Add Your Voice!
More Information

Meeting #2

Jun 27

Public Hearing

City Council Chambers

  • Meet Your Community
  • Add Your Voice!
More Information

Meeting #3

Jul 11

Public Hearing

City Council Chambers

  • Meet Your Community
  • Add Your Voice!
More Information

The Department Leading This Project

North Miami’s Community Planning and Development Department directs and coordinates urban growth, development and redevelopment programs which are critical to all sectors and interests.

Nixon LeBrun, AICP

City Planner for North Miami

Debbie Love, AICP

Director of Planning, Public Relations & Outreach

For Information Contact:


Monday – Friday 8 :00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Saturday Closed

Sunday Closed


Project Manager Nixon Lebrun

Address North Miami City Administration

Phone 305.893.6511

Location 776 NE 125 Street | North Miami, FL 33161